Thursday, March 14, 2019

Residency at University of Tulsa, Oklahoma

Russo will be in residency at the University of Tulsa (Oklahoma) between Monday, March 25th and Thursday, March 28th 2019.  In addition to teaching both double bass and composition master classes, Russo's Distant Light Septet (flute, clarinet, harp, string quartet) and his ballet music New England Portrait will be performed by university music students on Wednesday evening, March 27th.

UPDATE: On Wednesday evening March 27, 2019 music students at the University of Tulsa excellently performed Russo's Distant Light septet and his New England Portrait.  For the first time his New England Portrait was set to dance by TU dance professor and choreographer Jessica Vokoun --  the music ensembles were conducted by harp professor and conductor Lorelei Barton.   Russo attended this very successful concert of his music. During the March 25th week of his residency at the University of Tulsa Russo spent time with various TU faculty members and lectured in various  composition classes - in addition, Russo taught a double bass master class.

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